Monday, January 8, 2018

Over $5000 for the American Heart Association

Below is a letter to Mrs. Rischling and her kids from Nancy Brown the Chief Executive Officer of the American Heart Association!  Thank you Mrs. Rischling for all you do!

On behalf of the American Heart Association and the millions of Americans we serve, thank you very much for your school's donation of *$5,022.38. Families and schools are critical links in providing the foundation for cardiovascular wellness in our country. By holding this event at your school each year, you raise awareness about heart-healthy living. And you help us fund more lifesaving scientific research and critically needed education efforts. Thank you.
Almost every family in America is touched by heart disease or stroke, and your school's contribution will significantly impact our fight against these devastating illnesses.
We hope that you, your faculty and your students found this lifesaving effort rewarding and enjoyable. You are touching so many lives — and life is why we exist as an organization. Your help and support are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to partnering again with you next year!
Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer, American Heart Association

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