Monday, April 23, 2012

4th Grade visits the Oregon Trail on Wednesday


April 13, 2012

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Fourth graders in the Chadron Public Schools are being given the opportunity to see and experience an important part of their history, the Oregon Trail.  On Wednesday, April 25th, students will be taken to Bayard, Nebraska, to participate in the Living History experience presented by Mr. Rick Bayne.  They will see Chimney Rock, an important landmark on the Oregon Trail, and visit the Chimney Rock Museum.  They will also travel to Scottsbluff Monument, another landmark on the trail.

We will leave the school at 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, April 25th.  It is essential that your child be here on time as we are on a schedule.  Each child is to bring a sack lunch, plus nutritious snacks.  Please include at least 2 drinks.  We would prefer that they are not both pop.  Have lunches and drinks well labeled before coming to school.

Please see that your child is dressed appropriately.  Students need to wear good walking shoes.  Long pants are preferred unless it is extremely hot.  Students should wear layers of clothing to accommodate any kind of weather, as this trip does not have an alternate date.  Everyone should bring a jacket. 

It is permissible for the students to bring a camera or binoculars, but they will be responsible for those items.  No money is necessary for the trip.  There are gift shops at the museums.  We do not encourage the shopping, but recognize that if time permits they will shop.  Students are not to bring music devices, toys, or other unnecessary items.

We plan to return to Chadron around 5:30-6:00 P.M.  Please make sure your child knows what he/she is to do upon returning. (They are to walk, you are picking them up, etc.)  It will be a full day, but should be a great learning experience for all involved.

Please stress proper behavior with your child, including bus manners, being good listeners, not pushing and shoving, etc.  A positive team effort will make this a memorable trip.  If you have questions, or would like to travel with us, please contact us at 432-0717.


4th Grade Teachers
Nancy Anderson
Donna Piercy
Mark Rutter