Press Release
Monday 03/18/13
Contact Person; Officer Aron Chrisman, School Resource Officer 308.432.0510
RE: Internet Safety Tips
The Chadron Police Department has received several complaints lately that involve the use of the Internet. The information super highway can be a great tool and asset for adults and school aged children. However, please remember it is also used by internet predators as well. Please take the time to go over the following “Internet Safety Tips” and talk with your children to make sure they are using the internet safely.
- Don’t give out personal information without your parents’ permission. This means you should not share your last name, home address, school name, or telephone number. Remember, just because someone asks for information about you does not mean you have to tell them anything about yourself!
- Don’t agree to meet an online friend unless you have your parents’ permission. Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Someone who says that “she” is a “12-year-old girl” could really be an older man in his 70’s.
- Parents, know who your children are exchanging e-mail with, and only let them use chat areas or other peer to per programs when you can supervise them.
- Parents talk to children about not responding to offensive or dangerous e-mail, chat, or othercommunications. Report any such communication to local law enforcement. Do not delete the offensive or dangerous e-mail; turn off the monitor, and contact local law enforcement.
- Don’t send or respond to mean or insulting messages. Tell your parents if you receive one. If something happens online that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to your parents or to a teacher at school. School aged children need to know if anything suspicious, mean, or scary happens, they won’t get in trouble if they tell a trusted adult.
- Parents if you suspect online "stalking" or sexual exploitation of a child, report it to your local law enforcement agency.
- Internet accounts should be in the parent's name with parents having the primary screen-name, controlling passwords, and using blocking and/or filtering devices.
- Children should not complete a profile for a service provider and children's screen-names should be nondescript so as not to identify that the user is a child.
- Don’t share your password with anyone but your parents. When you use a public computer make sure you logout of the accounts you’ve accessed before leaving the terminal.
- Consider using filtering or monitoring software for your computer. You can easily purchase this online.
- Check browser histories to see where your kids have been.
- Don’t post photos or videos online without getting your parents’ permission.
- Talk to your parents before you open an email attachment or download software. Attachments sometimes contain viruses. Never open an attachment from someone you don’t know.
- Remind your kids that when they post something online, they lose control of it. It can be cut and pasted andsent around the Web. Have children use child-friendly search engines when completing homework.
- Find sites that promote learning, creativity, and that deepen your kids’ interests. Also check out popular websites before your kids visit them. Despite what your kids might tell you, social networks like MySpace or Facebook are not meant for middle school age or younger kids.
- Keep the computer in the family room or another open area of your home.
- Let children show you what they can do online, and visit their favorite sites.
- Set limits on the amount of time your kids spend online. Don’t let them Instant Message (IM) while doinghomework. Restrict time and sites for online gaming.
- Parents are their role models for safe and smart use. Enjoy the good stuff together!
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