Become a QPR Gatekeeper
QPR for Suicide Prevention
QPR is not intended to be a form of counseling or treatment.
QPR is intended to offer hope through positive action.
QPR is intended to teach those who are in a position to recognize
the warning
the warning
signs, clues and suicidal communications of people in
trouble to ACT
trouble to ACT
vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy.
A gatekeeper can be anyone! Students, parents, educators, doctors, and bus drivers
can all be trained Gatekeepers. If you are around people this is a valuable training
as suicide prevention is everybody’s business.
can all be trained Gatekeepers. If you are around people this is a valuable training
as suicide prevention is everybody’s business.
QPR gatekeeper training takes just over an hour and is taught in a format that is clear
and concise. Gatekeepers are given information that is easy to understand and
reinforced by a QPR booklet and card complete with warning signs, methods to
encourage a person to get help and a list of resources available in your community.
and concise. Gatekeepers are given information that is easy to understand and
reinforced by a QPR booklet and card complete with warning signs, methods to
encourage a person to get help and a list of resources available in your community.
Free Gatekeeper Training
Given by Amy Carnahan of Western Community Health Resources
Wednesday April 3, 2019 @ 6 pm
Chadron Middle School Library
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