Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chadron Intermediate Supply List 2019-2020

2019-2020 Suggested Student Supply List
Mr. Gregory, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. OlsonMrs. Carrick, Mrs. Garcia, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Motz
* 24 plain #2 pencils (sharpened)* 24 pack BIC .9mm mechanical pencils
(NO decorative pencils)* 2 packages pencil top erasers
2 packages pencil top erasers Colored pencils
Colored pencilsCrayons - 24 or more count
Crayons - 24 or more countWashable markers (NOT fine point) - 8 or more count
Washable markers fine point - 8 or more count* 3 glue sticks
* 1 bottle Elmers School Glue2 highlighters
* 3 glue sticks* 6 (big) dry erase markers
* 2 highlighters - yellow1 spiral notebook
* 6 black dry erase markers1 composition notebook (ask Walmart if not sure)
2 two pocket folders with bottom pockets* 1 pkg loose leaf notebook paper (WIDE ruled)
(NOT side pockets)* 4 two pocket folders with bottom pockets
1 pair school scissors (medium size)(NOT side pockets)
1 pencil pouch (NO pencil boxes)1 pair school scissors (medium size)
1 clear 12 inch ruler1 pencil pouch (NO pencil boxes)
1 composition notebook (ask Walmart if unsure)Dictionary (the one you received in 3rd grade is Okay)
* 1 pkg loose leaf notebook paper (WIDE ruled)* 2 boxes of Kleenex
* 2 boxes of Kleenex * 1 roll paper towels
* 2 containers of disinfecting wipes * 2 containers of disinfecting wipes
* 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer * 1 box of quart-size Ziploc freezer bags
* 1 box of quart-size Ziploc Freezer bags* 1 box of gallon-size Ziploc freezer bags
* 1 box of gallon-size Ziploc Freezer bags1 pair of earbuds
1 pair of earbuds
* Items that will be collected from students and
used by the entire class as needed.
NO trapper keepers or pencil boxes, please. Our desk and storage space is limited.
Please bring only those items on the list.

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