Monday, March 9, 2020

Coronavirus Update 3.9.20

Coronavirus Update 3.9.20

Dr. Matt Blomstedt, Commissioner of Education, held a Zoom meeting with Superintendents Sunday. 
A community case of coronavirus was confirmed in Fremont. Fremont schools will be closed this
week in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. The Fremont case is unique in that there was a
specific event where a number of Fremont students were potentially exposed and the school district
was three days away from spring break. It was also shared that there have been no fatalities for
anyone under the age of 10, and only one between the ages of 10-20. This includes China. 

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) created a website with Coronavirus resources  The emphasis continues on Prevention
and Preparation.

Dannette Smith, CEO of DHHS, shared if people are sick, they need to stay home. The DHHS
website is

The emphasis continues on Prevention and Preparation.  CPS teachers and administrators are
working on strategies for continuing instruction in the event of a prolonged school closure.  NDE is
encouraging innovative solutions to maintain a sense of normalcy for students and families. If
prolonged school closures become necessary, NDE will work with schools concerning rule and
regulatory issues.  

CPS policies are continuing to be evaluated and revised if needed.  Custodial staffs continue to
follow recommended procedures from the CDC.

Panhandle Public Health (PPH) continues to provide school districts with updates, information, and
resources (  School closure decisions will be handled regionally and will come from

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information.


Dr. Caroline B. Winchester


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