Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Note from the CIS Teachers

To: CIS Parents
From:  CIS Teaching Team
Date:  March 18, 2020

Hello!  What a difference a week can make.  We hope this finds everyone well.
At this trying time, we as a staff are thinking of all of you and our students and
finding ways to assist as much as possible.  First of all, we want you to know
that we have as many questions and concerns as all of you. However, we are
doing our best to think of all the needs of each and every student.  We are
working on providing student learning activities. Please be watching for
possible communication from your student’s homeroom teacher as we prepare
for the unknown. We have been instructed by our administration to provide
your students with review materials in a digital and paper format.  Please
continue to follow the CPS communication networks to keep up to date on
what is happening and what is to come.  

Our first step is to prepare a small review packet. This packet will have highly
encouraged optional learning activities. As we learn more information we will
be providing more educational opportunities in a variety of formats to facilitate
your child’s learning, sustain growth, and prepare them for moving forward
next year.  We realize that this is going to be difficult with the kids out of school
to keep them focused on learning and moving their academics forward. Please
be patient as we work through this unprecedented time together.

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