Dear Staff:
We want to update you on Chadron Public Schools district plan regarding COVID-19 (commonly referred to as the coronavirus). Current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance is emphasizing prevention and preparation. As with any contagious illness, we are working closely with Panhandle Public HealthDistrict (http://www.pphd.org) and will follow all guidelines they share with us. The district is monitoring the developing information related to the spread of COVID-19. To date, the district is unaware of any native cases of COVID-19 being confirmed in our state. In preparation, the district is reviewing its relevant policies and procedures so we will be prepared to respond to any outbreak of communicable disease that may occur. We added a Pandemic Plan to the District Safety plan.
One thing we would like you to be thinking about are strategies to continue educating students if schools close. Examples may include: web-based instruction, email, Zoom, etc.)
Since this is the height of cold and flu season, please help us to make sure your students’ emergency contact information is up to date.
This is a dynamic situation and information will likely change moving forward. We encourage you to remain informed about the spread of the coronavirus, and would recommend that you visit the CDC website (http://www.cdc.gov) for further information as it develops. We would also encourage you to use this opportunity to remind your students of the importance of getting rest and washing hands, especially during cold and flu season.
As a best practice for overall health in cold and influenza season, the CDC recommends that individuals receive the influenza vaccination and engage in everyday, preventive measures to prevent the spread of germs and avoid illness, such as:
· Wash hand frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
· Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands.
· Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick.
· Stay home when you are sick. The CDC recommends that individuals remain home for at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever without medication or signs of a fever (i.e. chills, feeling warm, flushed appearance).
· Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately discard the tissue in the trash.
· Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
· Take any antiviral medications prescribed to you as instructed.
Thank you for your attention. Please feel free to contact me for further information and please pass this information along to others.
Dr. Caroline B. Winchester
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